Donasjoner Doc Heiko

Hvis du setter pris på denne siden med mye informasjon, ville jeg være takknemlig, hvis du kunne støtte noen av mine hjelpeprosjekter her:

  1. Afrika-Hjelpen: http://Www.Betterglobe.No/53447, eller
  2. India-hjelpen (Min venn, Sikandr Kumar fra Bodhgaya,, deler ut mat til fattige og hunder som ble satt på gata, siden folk har ikke nok mat til seg selv og han deler ut homøopatiske midler mot «Corona». Donasjoner til ham kan sendes til min PayPal-Konto, merket «India-hjelpen».



My heart was crying when I heard about the many victims of Covid-19 in India the last weeks week. I hope it only was another lie from the media. And I would like to help.  I am not informed if these casualties are due to the infection by the SARSCoV2, or from the C-vaccines. Since we now get more indications that the vaccinated can “shed”/transmit the disease, it will be difficult to distinguish between these options. But several studies indicate that deaths due to the CCP-virus (?) are rare in communities where people are living in small rooms together, while deaths due to the vaccines are more often seen when there are several persons living closely together. tightly.

In case the casualties are due to the “China-virus”, there are effective and very cheap remedies for prophylaxis and treatment which I believe might help, since I have read a good lot deal on the subject for more than a year.

  1. You could use skin from grapefruit, cut them into small stripes or cubes, put them in a cooking pot bowl, covered with approximately 5 cm of water and boil them for several hours covered by a very tight lock on the top, so the steam does not get out. Remove the lock first when the pot has cooled. off.

For prophylaxis use 1 teaspoon in a glass of water 3 times, one day in the week (like every Sunday). Sugar can be added. – If getting sick, take it the same way, but every day, until recovered.

  1. PROF. DR. PRADEEP KUMAR GUPTA from did research on homeopathy in Covid-19 and concluded that Bryonia C 200 was superior in prophylaxis and curing the disease, while other Indian doctors   found Arsenicum Album to be best (especially if the patient is anxious, restless and has intestinal distress). –  For prophylaxis Prophylactic, it is given once a week. When sick, several times a day. Take 5 globuli/pills or 5 drops, at ½ hour distance from food/coffee/toothpaste.

I recommend that you see a homeopathic doctor, who is able to find the correct treatment when meeting you personally.

Of course, I cannot give a warranty  guarantee that these remedies help, but it is my personal opinion after reading tons of documents. And they cannot do any harm, something we cannot say from using regarding experimental gene-therapy or C-vaccines.

I hope this letter finds you safe and sane and I pray for you all that it will stay that way.

I hope you will consider my tips and that you can share this letter with people you care for.

With best wishes,

Heiko Santelmann, MD

Oslo, Norway

3 hendelser på “Donasjoner Doc Heiko”

  1. Vivian Windvik

    Hei Heiko, supert at du gjør så mye for menneskerettigheter, du må ha mange utgifter i den forbindelse. Jeg ønsker å gi et lite økonomisk bidrag til deg på veien, hvordan gjør jeg det, kontonummer?

    Mvh Vivian 🙂

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